Before and After

Before and After

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Story

This is my first attempt at a blog. I am not too sure how this is going to turn out but I’m super excited to get it started! Sooooo… I feel that the only way to really start this off is to tell you my story. My name is Annabelle. I am 22 years old and I currently live in Florida. For most of my childhood and young adult life I struggled with a weight problem. Being overweight sucks in itself but to have a weight problem living in Florida??? Well you’re kind of screwed there lol. For the majority of the year every girl is in a little tiny bikini or shorts and tank tops and as for me?? Well, I was concealing myself in jeans and sweaters ALL YEAR ROUND. I absolutely loved it when Florida’s one day of cold (which if you were lucky it hit the 60’s) weather came through! I felt trapped and I hid myself away from the world. At twelve years old I had reached 200 pounds and just a few years later I weighed in close to 300. I gave up on life… I had come to the conclusion that losing that much weight was absolutely impossible and I would never be healthy or happy. I started to despise food. It wasn’t something that nourished my body. It made me fat, depressed, and it was starting to become my absolute enemy and my worst fear. I felt completely and utterly out of control. I had always had a fear of eating in front of people in general. It was constantly on my mind that even one bite of ANYTHING and the stares and laughs would begin… “The fat girl was eating again.” Coming from a “Traditional American Family”, I was raised on the typical meat and mashed potatoes for dinner with dessert to follow diet. I wasn’t brought up with the knowledge on how to nourish your body properly. This being the case I figured eating nothing was better than eating what I knew. I struggled for years living in fear of food. I didn’t understand at the time that everything you put in your body not only affects how you look but your general mind set. Your body is alive therefore it needs live foods to prosper. I’m still learning how to adapt to the Vegan lifestyle. Most people assume that vegan is just fruits and veggies. However, I myself am still discovering and being left amazed by the different things you can make. You can have your pizza, pasta, and yummy desserts… Just healthier versions!! My hope in setting up this blog is that it will provide inspiration and knowledge to anyone who is looking to make a lifestyle change and be healthier….or anyone who is bored and would like to be entertained! Keep watching we’ll be in the kitchen soon!