Before and After

Before and After

Monday, September 13, 2010

Stopped by my sisters house tonight to pick up the Maca... She always sends me home with something utterly delicious. Her and my brother in law are AMAZING vegan chefs!! This was tonights meal!! So yummy! I'll have to figure out exactly what was in it and try to make it myself. I'm pretty lucky having a sister and brother in law who know so much about all of this. I'm always learning something new. I'll make sure to pass along all the knowledge they share with me to you as well!!

Experiment # 1 Maca vs. Starbucks

Ok... So although I try to eat super healthy I have clung on to one addiction.... Starbucks... Oh man do I love my Starbucks. I hate to admit it but I'm there at least twice a day. My sister Amanda (who has been a major part of me becoming a vegan) has been trying to get me off caffiene forever. Caffiene gives me horrible anxiety attacks, tension headaches, and it actually makes me more tired in the long run but I just can't seem to give it up....Guess it really is an addiction. Sooo tonight she gave me a bag of Raw Maca. Maca root was domesticated about 2000 years ago by the Incan culture who regarded the root as a very valuable commodity. Native Peruvians have traditionally utilized Maca since before the time of the Incas for both nutritional and medicinal purposes. Maca is supposed to have beneficial effects on the human body such as....

  • Key Nutrients that Support Libido and Peak Sexual Functioning In Men and Women
  • Key Nutrients that support Hormonal Balance For Men And Women of All Ages
  • Helps Nourish and Feed the Bodies Entire Endocrine System.
  • Improves Sense of Physical and Emotional Well Being
  • Increases Physical Energy, and Daily Stamina
  • Continued Use Increases Mental Clarity and Focus
  • Nutritional Support for minimal Menopause Symptoms
  • Nutritional Support for healthy Fertility For Men And Women

So my experiment is this.... Replace Starbucks with Maca and Green Tea for one week and discover the difference. This could be a wonderful healthy alternative to coffee if it works. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What I Learned Today...

I always knew Splenda  and artificial sweeteners were bad for you...but I didn't exactly know why. Soooo I decided to research it! Good idea right?! What I found was really interesting and I wanted to share with you. So many people think that just because something is on the market that it's safe and healthy. This is sooo far from the truth. Sucralose (Splenda) is made from sugar, but is derived from sucrose (sugar) through a process that selectively substitutes three atoms of chlorine for three hydrogen-oxygen groups on the sucrose molecule. Amazingly enough..these two things are very similar in name. Corporations use tactics like this to confuse consumers. These corporations can tell you anything they want..Look back 20 so years ago...Aspartame was used in almost all sweeteners and it was advertised as being good for you. "A great substitute". Now we know Aspartame caused many chronic illnesses such as brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimerer's, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. It is not good enough to just simply recall and take something off the market once the damage is already done. We need to be aware of what we are putting into our bodies. Sucralose is a chlorocarbon (a chemical compound containing carbon and chlorine.) Yes, It is the same type of chlorine that is put into your pools...Chlorocarbons are known for causing organ, genetic, and reproductive damage.  The Merk Manuel and OSHA 40 SARA 120 Hazardous Waste Handbook states that chlorine is a carcinogen (any substance or agent that tends to produce a cancer.) and emergency procedures should be taken when exposed via swallowing, inhaling, or even through the skin. Sucralose is indigestible due to it's laboratory compounding. Anything made in a lab is not natural and is not going to be beneficial for you. Less calories? Probably...But I would rather have more calories in my body then chemicals.

**If you are looking for a substitute try using agave nectar or Stevia. All natural. Chemical Free. <3

Onion, Tomato, and Avocado Lettuce Wraps

Organic Lettuce Wraps


1 Avocado

1 Whole Tomato

½ Red Onion

Handful of Cilantro

Green Leaf


Combine Avocado, Tomato, Red Onion and Cilantro in a food processor. Pulse until you achieve desired size. Scoop out and place on top of Green Leaf.

I know this is pretty simple but that's the beauty behind it! It only takes about 5 minutes and you have a completely healthy and satisfying meal that you can feel good about eating!!

Nectarine halves with a Blueberry, Banana, and Almond "Creme" filling.... sooooo good!

Nectarines ala Crème


1 Nectarine
Handful of Blueberries (I like to use half frozen and half fresh)
Almond Milk


Cut the nectarine in half. Remove the pit. Scoop out the center of the nectarine. Combine Blueberries, Almond milk, Banana, and the center part of the nectarine you previously scooped out in the blender. Blend until you achieve a semi thick creamy base. Pour this delicious mixture into the center of the nectarine and any left over can be used for a side smoothie! Enjoy!

*Side note: Idk about you guys but I had a bit of a hard time cutting the Nectarine perfectly in half the first time I tried this.... Here's a tip! Cut as deep around as you can into the nectarine just hitting the pit...then twist it off!!